Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 211 in total

The Rejected Messiah (John 1:10-11)

One of the most poignant ideas found in the Bible is the theme of rejection of the Messiah. But the blow is worsened by the fact that, in a biblical worldview, rejecti...

Jesus, the Life and the Light (John 1:4-9)

In the Book of John, we are introduced to the Word, who we find out is also the Creator. John continues his logic in denoting that, within the Word, is life. And, what...

Jesus as Creator—and Sustainer—Of All Things (John 1:3)

When we think of the name “Jesus” any number of images immediately come to mind. We think of Jesus as the One who died for us. We think of him as the Lord of all and S...

Jesus, the Word (John 1:1-2)

John chapter 1 introduces us to the Person of Jesus…as the Second Person of the Trinity: The Word. In Greek, the word is logos, meaning “word” or “message.” When we en...

My approach to apologetics

A recent question from a reader of mine sparked the idea that it may be time to bring up the issue of apologetics methodology again… Here is something insightful that ...

Be Kind. No, like, Actually.

We often see t-shirts, signs, and other paraphernalia promoting biblically based concepts… That have been ripped entirely of their biblical context and used to promote...

What we love, we’ll defend

When we really love something, it’s not hard to defend it. For example: Your family. Wouldn’t you defend your family if they were being falsely accused or afflicted? Y...

Creationist Cancel Culture

Have you ever heard of cancel culture? It’s a shame that this thinking has often drifted into the church. In this episode of the Bible Nerd Podcast, I spend a couple m...

Another Update (And Talking About Door Demons)

Hello, friends! It has been a short while since our last time together, and I wanted to pop in for a few moments to give an update, some announcements, and share with ...

A SUPER Exciting Update About the Podcast

Hey guys! I sure hope this finds you doing well. If you’ve been listening along to the Bible Nerd Podcast for awhile and following along here on the blog, I want to sa...

Evangelism and Exponential Growth

We live in a day where the idea of evangelism has become taboo in some circles; and, where some see the need but feel overwhelming fear in sharing Christ with others. ...

Daniel: A Portrait of Prayer, Power, and Prophecy

The book of Daniel gives multiple accounts of life during the Babylonian exile. In this week's podcast and blog (which is more of a detailed outline), we explore some ...

Evolution and Abiogenesis: Different, or the Same?

Although evolution and abiogenesis are two very important parts of the origins conversation, there is often some confusion about how these relate to one another. Are t...

The 5 Contexts of Biblical Interpretation

When we think about “context” there are certain concepts that come to mind involving grammar, genre, literary devices, and other linguistic features. But there's much ...

God in the Garden in the Cool of the Day: A Man, or a Myth?

What kind of relationship did God have with Adam and Eve? Depending upon how you understand a particular pericope in Genesis 3, it may alter your entire understanding ...

The Art of the Reductio

While we'd all like to think we are prone to rational discourse, we nevertheless can be deceived into thinking that just because someone is smart, they are a careful t...

Who are the “gods” of Psalm 82?

I've recently been in a discussion with a friend of mine (and faithful reader of the blog!) about the divine council worldview. Among other things, we discussed concer...

What is Ministry?

What is ministry? The word "ministry" has a variety of contexts, and I think it's something quite often misunderstood. It's much more than a profession.

Do Miracles Happen?

Do miracles happen? One of the primary reasons people take issue with religious thought is that it almost necessarily involves a concept of the miraculous---an offensi...

How Can I Know I’m Saved?

Without a doubt, one of the most important questions one can ask is, "How can I know I'm saved?" In many ways, this is the most basic question a person can ask! And ye...

On Lydia McGrew’s Maximal Data Approach to Presenting the Resurrection of Jesus

We’re just off the heels of another Easter season, which should be a favorite time of year for all Christians. I know it is one of mine! We not only get to celebrate o...

Marriage in the Bible and Sinning Against God

Many make the mistaking of thinking marriage is more of a constitutional union. In other words, one is married insofar as they have a piece of paper that declares it t...

It’s Wonderful to Be a Bible Nerd

Today I'm extremely excited to announce the latest rebrand of our podcast, The Bible Nerd Podcast. Learn more about why I chose to go in this direction and how I think...

Should Christians Study the Hebrew and Greek Texts of the Bible Today?

Much time, money, and effort is given to the process of discovering the accurate reading and understanding of biblical texts. With the availability of God's Word in un...

Atheism and the Problem of Bad Theology

Part of the problem when sharing your faith with biblical skeptics is that, more often than not, they have little training in biblical theology, which often results in...

SPECIAL EDITION: Evidence for the Resurrection

This week, I'm excited to release this special edition of the podcast, which features an interview between myself and a friend of mine, Aaron Simpkins, on the True Str...

What Does it Mean to Call on the Name of the Lord?

“The name of the Lord” is a phrase used throughout Scripture by multiple different authors. I wonder if we truly grasp what it really means, though, to call upon his n...

Reading the Bible may be a bad thing. Here’s why.

That Christians should spend time reading the Bible is, itself, uncontroversial. But just how should we read the Bible? Is there a "best" way?

What Makes Having Kids Worth It? A Biblical Answer to the Wrong Question.

In our world, kids are treated as though they are an inconvenience. They are an "add-on" that some parents find nice to have, and others would rather not. This is not ...

Don’t Be Afraid to Go Against the Grain—That’s What Jesus Did

The path to destruction is lined with those going with the grain. It's easy to go along with the world into destruction. But the path to righteousness, the narrow path...