Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 in total

The Winsome Creationist, Why the Bible Isn't Boring, and the Future

A brand new podcast, a brand new book, and a little announcement about the future. These are exciting times! I love and appreciate you ALL. <3

Joe Rogan vs. Matt Walsh on Marriage (Apologetic Methodology Explored)

What is the CORRECT way to engage in discussions about our Christian convictions? Which apologetic methodology is true? Did Matt Walsh bomb his interview with Joe? All...

Does the point of a passage make the details of a passage unnecessary?

One of the biggest problems in the church today is leaders and scholars who think the DETAILS of a passage can be divorced from the POINT of the passage. In this episo...

Should Science Intimidate Me as a Christian?

This is God's world, and yet, many Christians are intimidated by science (the study of the natural world). But there are PLENTY of reasons not to be intimidated by it,...

Child-like Faith: 4 Reasons to be Thankful You Met God Early

I met God when I was 4 years old. This has often caused me to resent not having a radical experience of changing from an extraordinarily sinful lifestyle to a lifestyl...

Did Moses Think the Earth was Flat?

It's common in biblical scholarship today to suggest that the biblical writers held the view that the earth is flat, there was a solid dome above the earth, etc. Is th...

5 Reasons You Can’t Answer Objections to Christianity (And What To Do About It)

As Christians committed to sharing our ideas in the public square, inevitably we will encounter difficult scenarios. Perhaps someone has offered a challenge to your co...

“Saved” Mode vs “Skeptic” Mode

Do you have trouble with emotional connection and/or practical application in your Christian life? May I ask suggest you try out "saved" mode? Learn all about it in th...

A Pre-Flood Floating Forest? (FFT Series)

In this edition of the podcast, we're continuing our series in Dr. Kurt Wise's "Faith, Form, and Time" book. We talk about the floating forest theory and how it explai...

200th Episode Celebration! (+ a Cool New Free Resource)

Welcome to episode 200!!!!! I can't believe I've been doing this podcast for nearly 5 years now 🤯. In this episode, I reflect on the past 5 years and introduce you to ...

[Revisited] What Most People Don’t Understand About Modern Creationists

In a recent conversation, it became clear to me that most people's idea of the creationist enterprise has not aged well in the last couple of decades. Many still belie...

3 Things Faith is Not

Many Christians misunderstand faith. While it seems like a simple concept, you might be surprised to discover that you have a view of faith different from the biblical...

The Plight of Jonah

Jonah is not a fish story---it's my story, and yours. Here's a take on the book of Jonah you've probably never heard that should really get you thinking.

What Happens When a Christian Sins?

Hey friends, in this episode, I'm sharing a message with you that I recently preached at church on the subject of what happens when a Christian sins. I pray it helps you!

"MythBusting" the Ancient Near East

In this episode, I want to talk to you about the fine boundary between transcendence (biblical) thinking and continuity (mythical) thinking. How can we simultaneously ...

Choosing the Way of Wisdom

How do you make a biblically based decision, confident that God will bless it and work it out for good? In this episode we discuss my thoughts from the book Decision M...

The Fall and Genetic Mutations (FFT Series)

Could genetic mutation, natural selection, and even animal carnivory be a GRACE from God? It might seem strange, but I think the biblical answer is yes. Take a listen ...

The Explanatory Power of Creation Biology (FFT Series)

In this episode, we summarize much of the biological information we've been talking about in this series. As it turns out, creation theories of biology have quite a bi...

Christianity makes strong claims! And that’s a good thing. [REVISITED]

Christianity makes claims and entrails truths that require all other religious systems to be false. These are strong claims, and I think it's a good thing we have them...

Biological Expectations of Creation Theory (FFT Series)

Biology is a major battlefield in the creation/evolution debate. In this episode, we'll talk through the expectations of creation vs evolution as it relates to the fie...

Genetic Discontinuity and the Age of the Earth (FFT Series)

One of the core distinctives of Young Age Creationism is that biological dissimilarity (or, discontinuity) is expected, over and against the evolutionary expectation o...

Compelling Evidence for an Eternal Creator (FFT Series)

How can a young age creationist make a scientific case for the God of the Bible as the creator of the universe? In this episode, we explore Dr. Wise's compelling evide...

Developing a Creationist Chronology (FFT Series)

This week continues our study in the book, Faith, Form, and Time by Dr. Kurt Wise. What does a well-considered creationist chronology look like? This is a detail-packe...

The Role of Science in Biblical Interpretation (FFT Series)

How should we understand the relationship between science and the Bible? That's our topic of discussion for this week as we continue in our series, Faith, Form, and Ti...

Intentional Ambiguity in God's Creation (FFT Series)

In creation, God seems to give us just enough information to come to him, but not enough to force us. How does this truth inform our understanding of and relationship ...

Why Does Heaven Sound So Boring? [REVISITED]

OK - what's the deal with heaven? Can we address the elephant in the room? Heaven -- at least in the way most people think about it -- sounds kinda boring. Fortunately...

Series Intro: Faith, Form, and Time!

Oh man, I am SO excited to cover one of my favorite books, Faith, Form, and Time by Dr. Kurt Wise! In this episode, I introduce the series, and talk about why I chose ...

Were You Shocked to Find Objections to Christianity?

Having been saved at a very young age, it was DEFINITELY a shock to find there were considerable objections to the Christian faith. Did that happen to you? A friend or...

Choose Life (Always)

Christians hold "life" as of uttermost importance, because God does! However, I am concerned that far too many Christians have not taken hold of the abundant life that...